Contacting Tu Danse
Please feel free to contact us using one of the following methods:
Address: Newark Road, Peterborough, PE1 5YD
Telephone: 01733 553830( Answerphone during closed periods) The Studios. Open Monday to Saturday (see timetable for times)
The Shop - Opening Hours Monday to Thursday 4.30pm-8pm. Saturday 9.30am-4.30pm
Directions to the studios
Newark Road is split into three small sections divided by roundabouts.
Depending on which end you enter Newark Road will determine the directions that you use.
Should you be coming from the Oxney Road end, you will find us located on the left, mid way along this stretch of Newark Road.There is a slight bend in the road, and on that bend We are located at the rear of the CARLTON building. Should you come from Boongate/showcase Cinema end of Newark road, you will go straight over the first roundabout, into the second stretch of Newark road.You will go straight over the second r/about into the third stretch of Newark Road.We are located on your right side past GSF car parts, Designation and Reynopoly,there is a slight bend in the road and you will find us located at the rear of the CARLTON building.